Wednesday, September 10, 2008

That's Profound!

1. The worst home grown tomatoes taste better’n the best store bought.

2. A burned bridge will not allow a round trip.

3. Learn to swim. A 6 foot man can drown in a lake with an average depth of 3 feet.

4. On December 15, take a $5 bill and break it into ones. Place them in a special place in your purse. Then, whenever you see a Salvation Army bell-ringer, put one of them into the pot until the stash runs out. You’ll have a better Christmas.

5. Always keep something in reserve. Remember your Grandma’s cookie jar containing the egg money? Whether you are a Grandmother, or an Army General, always keep something in reserve.

6. Never trespass into the carnival through the lion’s cage just to save admission money.

7. It won’t improve your fishing prowess to change seats in the boat.

8. Of course, spend less than you earn. What you do with the rest will determine how successful you will be.

9. Do you really want for better or worse, for sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, until death? Get a dog.

10. Never plant more than two zucchini seeds.