Note from the editor: Hi, Mom! You're terrific! Love, M.
My editor and I had a warm friendly conversation last week about the use of the personal pronoun "us" instead of "we" in the Nomad piece, below. Properly speaking, "we" was the pronoun of choice, like in "we, the people" and "we band of brothers," etc.
My stand was, a simple peasant voman would be thinking in the vernacular subjective sense "us" rather than the patrician collective "we," and it looks like I won this one.
I understand that you can't argue with the rule book unless you wish to take up arms, be subversive, and put it all on the line for an idea (after you have raised a lot of money or received a grant). But you should choose your battles and maybe it isn't worth it for a personal pronoun, unless it is My or Mine.
So I guess this piece entitled Rules is Rules may open the door to communicating about the verb "to be" and plurals. (I wouldn't dare -- editor.) Isn't English exciting? And we haven't even addressed that comedic opportunity scenario, misplaced modifiers, my favorites. I love this job.