Thursday, January 22, 2009

"our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor..." continued

A Letter to Our Legislators Regarding Our Sacred Honor:

Yes, it was indeed time for a change.

But at even a hint that Social Security is on the ropes and you are going to cut it in half, or worse, get ready. Perhaps you are rich enough to afford a house with a small apartment for your aged parents, but not many of the rest of us are.

And let’s not forget that we are sending our young men and women into two wars many thousand of miles away. Back when my generation was fighting a war, we knew we were in it. We had rationing of gas and meat, and automobiles could not be purchased. Are we so rich that we can now afford both guns and butter, (or bread and circuses—we surely have had a spate of those) so let’s have it all lest the citizens catch on to what is happening? Look at downtown Main Street…does it seem that the country is at war? Could we not have had additional security measures without invading two countries that have traditionally fought amongst themselves and -– probably — always will because that is their inborn nature? They don’t need us to deliver democracy to them. They need to see the advantages of having it for themselves.

And the way it has been looking lately, well, democracy here has been taking a beating. If politicians were forced to take truth pills, how interesting life would become.