Thursday, January 22, 2009

"...our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor...", continued

A Letter to People in a Position of Trust Regarding Our Fortunes:

The single most objectionable facet of our present predicament is that a very large part of our present economic crisis was caused by bankers, banks, and insurance companies. I have to ask, How could you possibly lend money to people who would never be able to pay it back? And, What reasoning would cause our legislators to trounce on our sense of fair play and bail out people who have no equity in their houses lest they lose them? I don't mean those people who have lost their jobs, but those who made too little money to buy the house in the first place.

You say the answer is that you were paid enormous sums of money to do this and although some people were aware of it, nothing was done? What? I would like it very much if criminal charges could be brought against you.

There are too many contemporary times when our fortunes have been scrapped. Example: that financier who made off with a reported 50 billion dollars from friends and charitable organizations. I think you could start a small country with 50B$. It is probably enough to support a census of 7,000 people, with nice homes, schools, a hospital, small manufacturing facilities, an organic farm for produce—instead the money apparently went for personal aggrandizement. What?