Saturday, August 8, 2009

You made me what I am today (I hope you're satisfied)

fdsaf (space) jkl;j (space) (Remember?)

I have a lot of assistance. Not in the kitchen, where it is immediately apparent as soon as you walk in the house, but in this writing mode. I have a triumvir, kind of, except that all three of them are rolled up into one...

The first part of this three part helper, is my agent/financial advisor, who has an MBA from Fordham University. I have promised my agent 50% of the gross proceeds from sales of these articles (snicker, snicker, how much is 50% of 17 cents, the amount earned so far from, payable when it reaches $25 in the year 2300 AD?) I guess the answer to that is $12.50 if we live that long, but please don 't think, "Do the Math" because math has nothing to do with it. Math is algebra, geometry, and calculus, and how many of your friends can do calculus, much less arrive at the square root of anything? We should say, do the Arithmetic. I know they all say Do the Math -- just check at Walmart. They used to have signs hanging from the ceiling saying just that -- it is because they can't spell arithmetic. I can help:

A Rat In The House May Eat The Ice Cream

There. My Editor will be pleased that I made a difference in both Grammar and ciphering.

Speaking of which, the second part of the triumvir is my Editor, who has a Master's degree in English. Not very often does a typo, or a misplaced modifier escape the eagle eye of the Editor. I am going to double the Editor's salary. For budget purposes, how much would two times zero be? Do the arithmetic.

Perhaps the part of triumvir most important in this genre is the technical advisor, the techie, the one who puts all of this together, who understands the workings of outer space, the internet, the spiders, the googles, the digitals. Now listen, I have read Brave New World and I don't want to have any part of it. Sometimes, you can cut the exasperation of the technical advisor (who thinks I can do this as well as understand that) with a knife, but I think I have by reason of the application of heavy amounts of ennui outlasted this attitude. After all, I wasn't a part of the 300 at Thermopylae, or with Colonel Travis at the Alamo, but I understand being stubborn and not getting the message.

There are other kinds of outlets besides those in strip malls. To get yours, you must first live a long time, have educated children, and run with the ball when you are not throwing it to your dog.